Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What I did last night...

Went to see Maya Angelou last night at the Sundome here on campus with my friend Mia. I almost didn't go because I had homework and it was ridiculously cold outside and I had no jacket, but I'm so glad I did. And I got my homework done sitting in the warm Sundome before her lecture started so it was all good. She was awesome and amazing and made me cry and laugh at the same time. Such an amazing person and phenomenal woman (I don't mean to pun her poem, she really is... there's just no other word that comes even close to covering just how glorious she is in the English language). *loves her* There will be pictures eventually. I have to get them from Mia.

She spoke some poems, some she has written and some written by others, including one of Shakespeare's sonnets. and she spoke about her love of written words and how important they are. And she said over and over and over until we laughed that she kept saying it that we all needed to go to our library to talk to our librarians because that's what they're there for and to read some poetry. Any poetry. Because she said it belongs to us and was written for us, so we should at least see what it is. And she told us about some inspiring people she's known in her life, like her grandmother and her Uncle Willy. She said we all need to appreciate and realize the rainbows in the clouds of our life and realize that we are also rainbows in the lives of other people, each and everyone of us. And I think that's so true. Amazing, amazing, amazing... If you ever get the chance to hear her speak, go! Do it!

There were so many people there that it took an *hour and twenty minutes* to get off campus and we were only parked about 1/2 mile from the edge of campus, or not even that far. So much traffic and not a campus cop in sight to direct it and people were being asshats. Very sad that. But still, there was music and talk of Maya and also our favorite tv shows and roving because I got samples yesterday from my favorite supplier, Yarns Etc. in Greensboro, and I had the samples in the car to discuss and pet, so it was all good. I'm going to be making hats in the next month or so for the actors on our favorite tv show 'cause I can and I think Vancouver is cold enough to warrent hand-spun, hand-knit hats...


  1. Isn't EarthGuild also in Greensboro? Or am I thinking of another town.... Even so, lucky you to have a good place to hunt tribbles!

  2. No, unfortunately, EarthGuild isn't in Greensboro. I wish it were... It's in Ashville, NC... way up in the mountains. But Yarns, Etc. is a pretty big store. It's right in downtown and it has tons of yarn, tons of roving and also spinning wheels, spindles and accessories, as well as basket making supplies. Basically, all the stuff that the store's owners are interested in... and the roving is from one of the ladies' own sheep/goat farm. Mostly Corriedale, but also a few other types and mohair. Their website isn't very impressive, but the store is. They also have another store in another town in NC, but I can't remember where exactly. Only problem is that since it's all the way up in Greensboro, it's hard for me to get to most of the time...

    The yarn shops in Tampa are very posh, in wealthy and/or inconvenient parts of town, and full of impractical yarn that is more expensive here than it is at other yarn shops... And no spinning supplies at all. Makes me sad... But I found one other darling yarn shop that I can go to now, in downtown Columbia. It's called "In the Loop." Sweet little shop run by a very nice lady.
