Monday, June 09, 2008

EyeCon videos...

I know since the Dallas Convention was this last weekend, pretty much everyone is going to be watching those videos and reading those reports, but I just got my camera functional again so I finally got my videos and pictures uploaded to my computer so I can share them with the world now (Yay!!). So these are videos from the Q&A's at EyeCon in Orlando last April, which I was lucky enough to attend.

(A note for Ilana - there are technically some spoilers in Jared's and Jim's videos, but they are so out of context and so far away from what you're watching right now and they have so little explaination that they aren't *really* spoilers... LOL! I think I just want you to be able to watch them anyway.)

This one is Jim Beaver answering the question he was asked about pranks that have been played on him on set. He's so cool... I <3 Bobby...

And this last one is of Sandy, talking about when Jared asked her to marry him. :-( I'm very sad to report that Jared and Sandy both confirmed in the last several days that they have broken off their engagement and are no longer together. It was a mutual decision, they both said, and they came to the conclusion that they are at different places in their lives right now, and that this is what's best for them. (The "rumors" that have been posted on the internet at, lj and elsewhere are absolutely NOT TRUE. They are lies that some psycho person has been posting. Do not believe them or spread them.) I'm very sad about the news and for them because... well, I just am. I have no right to be at all, since I don't know them, but I am anyway. But, happily, there aren't any spoilers in this video at all...

Also... pictures...

Jim Beaver ("Bobby Singer"):

Samantha Ferris ("Ellen"), Chad Lindberg ("Ash"), and Alona Tal ("Jo"):

Sandy McCoy ("Crossroads Demon" #3):

Gabriel Tigerman ("Andy"):

Steve Carlson (who is awesome! Check him out!):

Chad and Gabe, getting ready to play "Guitar Hero" at the Platinum Party (Gabe was warning us that he sucked at it... which is okay... after all, we don't love him for his ability to play video games... :D)...

Jared Padalecki (... "Sam Winchester"... tell me that you knew that...):


  1. :( How unfortunate..

    Okay, okay, I'll watch spoilers and probably get so wrapped up I won't NOTICE the fact that they're spoilers.

    I've watched Disc 2. And giggled at Linda Blair and the pea soup reference. I'm still trying to figure out how the storm sewers won't be affected by concrete, but that's a minor problem. I'm still digesting the rest of Disc 2, so I'll comment later.

    Will also e-mail you something to read--if you have time!--which will undoubtedly amuse you.

  2. Oh.. and PLEASE tell me that Andy comes back and kicks bum with his Jedi-esque mind control thing! He's just so CUTE.

  3. Yes, Andy will be back... i will say nothing more than that... Gabe, the actor who plays him, is a really nice, funny guy. there are lots of videos from conventions with him, as well as Chad Lindberg, who plays Ash, on youtube and they are great guys!

    yeah, i don't think you'll notice the spoilers too much in these videos.

    yeah, the linda blair thing was great, wasn't it? kinda exciting that they got her to be in an episode...

    LOL! Yeah, the storm drain thing... well... not sure about that, now that you mention it. i haven't seen that episode in a while, which is a shame because it's got some great moments. maybe that part of the system was not really used or intergral anymore? (i'm reaching, i know...)

  4. cool! yes, please e-mail me whatever it is. :D
