Thursday, June 12, 2008

Random stuff...

Got nothing particularly interesting to report... We lost power the other day and since then my computer won't turn on. I'm taking it to get looked at by professionals today. Hopefully, they'll figure out what's wrong quickly. I'm sorta getting used to this laptop my parents are letting me use, but I miss my computer and all my files.

We all know that Jared Padalecki's having a hard time right now, so if you haven't already, go give him your love and support over here. He will read it. *nods, nods* We think...

Also, I cannot find the yarn for making Jared's hat! This is not good. I need to find it. I wanted to have it all finished by the time they go back to set so I can send the hats to both of them at the same time. I also need to get my computer back because the patterns are all on there. I might have printed out the one that I was going to use for Jared's hat, and if I did, it's with the yarn. But I've been looking for it all night and I can't find it anywhere. Will continue searching...

When I haven't been searching for the yarn, cleaning or doing dishes, I've been watching videos from the Dallas Convention on YouTube. LOL! Looks like everyone had a real good time, as usual. And I hope being with the fans helped Jared at least a little bit.

I wish I could go to EyeCon in September. We'll see if that works out...

In other news, I think I'm addicted to this yummy organic chai Ilana sent me. And I usually hate chai, but this stuff is really good. It's called Numi "Golden Chai". Really good stuff... and I've used it all up... *sad face* On a happier note, I've been using the soap Ilana also sent, and it is yummy. I love how much it lathers, and it really does work very well as shampoo! I'm ashamed to say it, but I was really surprised at how well, never having used a solid shampoo before... Very cool, Ilana!


  1. :D

    So sorry about your computer. I hope it gets well soon!

  2. Thanks! Yes, apparently, it's the power supply thingy in there... It just needs to be replaced, which a friend of mine will do for me on Saturday. So yay! Shouldn't be a problem...

  3. Now it's our turn to have huge thunderstorms. This one was pretty lively, but our power didn't go out; I went ahead and unplugged everything anyway, just in case. Are you guys at risk for hurricane stuff this year?
