Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Giving Jared his presents...

I forgot to post the details of when I gave Jared the hats I made for him and Jensen. Don't know how I forgot to do that, but I did... Here's what I wrote out on Sunday evening so I wouldn't forget any of it:

I gave Jared the hats during the autograph session. They were running low on time for autographs because apparently the Eyecon organizers are still a bit unorganized when it comes to getting Jared's stuff efficiently timed and he was late for his flight back to Vancouver. So I didn't think I'd actually get to give the gifts to him. As he was signing my photo that I had bought for him to sign, I put the gift bag on the table near the EyeCon handler and said to her, "Can I leave this here for him?" and she nodded. I didn't expect Jared to speak because he was just so harried trying to get everyone's things signed and get out of there, but he looked up at me and said, "That's for me?" And I said, "Yes." And he said, "You didn't have to get me anything," and I said, "Yes, I did, and I made what's in there." (Dude, it was all that would come out of my mouth, I had no control over my thought processes.) And he said, so sincerely, "Thank you, thank you so much." And handed me back the photo. OMFG there was eye contact throughout this little conversation and everything and I don't know how I was able to speak and not pass out or anything, but I managed somehow. I backed away from the table as he moved on to the next person, and I went outside and danced around for several minutes just going OMGOMGOMGOMG! 'cause I got to look at Jared's pretty face and eyes from two feet away for 30 seconds. GAH! Am I a fangirl? I think so. LOL! I was so elated and flipping out that I double checked twice to make sure that I actually got the picture back signed because I wasn't sure I actually took it with me 'cause I was just staring into his eyes as long as possible and that was all I was concentrating on. They looked more brown today than I remembered them being from April... thought they looked more green then. (Although I got to stare at them way longer this time.) Do they change color? I dunno... but that's what they seemed today to me. I've said it before though and I'll say it again, he's so flawless just thinking about how much makes me feel lightheaded. LOL!


  1. LOL! Me or him? 'Cuz, for sure and true, he's all kinds of CUTE!

  2. The story was pretty cute, too. XD

  3. LOL! Well, I'm glad you thought so. Days later, I still have the urge to hyperventilate when I think about him looking at me.

  4. You... you have the fangirl bug. :P Nothing wrong with that, though!
    I'd probably behave similarly under circumstances, but I'm not sure which celebrities might provoke giddiness: You plan exactly what you're going to say, the event comes and your mind freezes, and then you kick yourself afterward because you're convinced you sounded vapid... I'm absolutely sure I'd have that happen to me, too, as much as I might wish otherwise!

  5. Fangirlishness is not something I'll deny! LOL!

    Exactly! But Jared is so sweet, and he fanboys Peter O'Toole, so he knows our pain... although perhaps not coming from the same motivation, considering that Peter, venerable though he is, is also ancient and, as Jared would probably say, a dude. LOL!
