Tuesday, October 07, 2008

An interesting happening...

So I'm in the house at the moment to have lunch before finishing the mulching on the garden, which is now half done... A man just rang the door bell... dressed somewhat like a Mormon proselytizer so I hesitated to open the door, but did anyway... He's a reporter for The Saint Petersberg Times wanting to interview anyone who saw the big to-do this morning... My father is talking to him now... [pause to go get lunch from the kitchen] In the interim, there was another knock at the door... This time a tv reporter also wanting to interview someone on camera for the evening news on the local CBS station. Dad is talking to them too...

Now, what about? I'm sure you're wondering. A man who lived one house down and across the street was arrested this morning for (from what I can tell) bank robbery, attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, grand theft auto, fleeing the scene of a traffic accident and resisting arrest... possibly some other things too... O.O He got up early apparently, robbed a bank at gun point shortly after it opened, went to (of all random places and for reasons we don't know) a chiropractor's office, where he stabbed someone with a screw driver, then he stole a car, got in a traffic accident and then ran back to his house. This all went down early this morning, and we only caught the tail end of it ourselves. ('Cause he lived across the street! Now... we live on a very quiet, nice suburban neighborhood on a dead end street. Things like this just don't happen. o.O) When I woke up shortly before 9am, I thought one of our neighbors were mowing their lawn, but no, the noise I was hearing was the low-flying police helicopter hovering over our house. The guy had crashed the car he had stolen a few blocks away and ran on foot back to his home and they had tracked him down with bloodhounds (not kidding!). At 9am, police were facing off against him while he had barricaded himself in his house with an assault rifle (*facepalm*... Seriously, dude! WTF!). But within the hour, they arrested him without further injury to anyone involved... Thank goodness!

If there is video of the news report posted to the internet tonight, I'll embed it here if I can...

Now, I have to research some things quickly and get back outside to finish the mulching...


  1. Good grief! That sounds like a lively way to start the day! O.o

  2. Yeah, seriously, it was crazy...
