Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Random update...

Moved my doctor appointment up to today (well, yesterday now) because my acid reflux went a little nutz Sunday night. Still no closer to really having that under control, thanks to prescription drugs being crazy expensive and health insurance choosing not to cover anything since not having it won't kill me, but it was still good to discuss the findings (or not-findings) of the ultrasound I had last month in greater depth. Nothing to worry about there, and the chances that the pains are being caused by something life-threatening like some sort of cancer or serious like chronic appendicitis are pretty well diminished to as near to non-existent as possible without a hell of a lot more scans (just to be 100% sure)... so that's good.

Also the bursitis is improving as quickly as can be expected... It's just something that takes months and months to heal. He gave me some more tips to help it along. The stretching has been helping. I also need to minimize how much I drive as much as possible and adjust my car's seat a bit so that as little pressure as possible is put on my hip. I might also buy one of those posture support things for my car and one for home use and another for work because most of those "ergonomic" chairs at work are ironically painful to sit in, even for a few minutes, but not as painful as standing for over 7 hours straight. I need to get a new computer chair for home too. Really, really need to do that. I've found that using a straight-backed dining chair to sit in while spinning also helps because it's higher and straighter than my computer chair or any of the chairs in the living room. I might be able to return to more regular spinning... although not at the pace at which I used to work, where I was spinning about 6 ounces a day or more. Half an ounce a day, max, if I'm careful and cautious about it. But that's much better than nothing at all.

My left-over lung yuckiness from my cold is almost entirely gone. YAY!

Also, I've officially lost 10 pounds in the past year! \o/ This is a very good thing. I don't want to loose weight quickly, I just want to be headed in that direction - loosing, rather than gaining - without having to be working out like crazy or depriving myself of things I want to eat. It's working so far! Also, my doctor was able to discuss this with me, and express that if I could loose another 20 over the next few years, he'd consider that a perfectly healthy weight for me, BMI be damned, without offending me at any point. He's the first medical professional I've ever seen who has managed to do that. Kudos to him.

On to another random observation: I'm really liking Cupid on ABC. It's on late, at 10pm. But it's kind of a delightful light sort of show. A nice balance to all the heavy drama I tend to watch. If you haven't seen it, give it a chance if you would. It's cute... Fairly predictable if you know anything about Classical mythology, but still cute.

I'm coming out of my warmer weather induced desire to knit with nothing but cotton and now I want to make a shawl. Lace. Soon. I've got a hankering because several times this winter and spring I've wished for a proper shawl for times when a sweater is just too much and bare arms are just way too cold. Laminaria maybe? With cheap merino lace yarn from KnitPicks, I'm thinking? I would do the Danish Wrap Shawl that I've been wanting to make forever but I don't yet have the variety of appropriate handspun yarn I'll need for that, so it will have to keep waiting.


  1. I started the Fountain Pen Shawl from the Spring IK a few days ago and I'm sort of liking how it's going.
    Good luck if you do a Laminaria after all. :)

  2. Thanks! I know you were working on a Laminaria a while ago... Did you ever finish it?

    As soon as I saw that Fountain Pen Shawl, I thought of you and how you really needed one of those. Good luck with it!

  3. I made a mistake that required ripping back several rows, but without a lifeline, that would have been likely to induce insanity in pretty short order. In the end, I just bound it off and blocked it. I'll probably try it again eventually. :P

  4. Oh, that's too bad! I've been looking at the pattern and it looks pretty difficult! But so pretty!

  5. For me, the worst were the 3-into-9 stitches because once you get the first few, it starts getting tighter and tighter. It's not too bad, though. If you can do mitred corners and tabi socks, I'm certain you can master the Estonian stuff. ;) Trust me, the lifelines will make your life and sanity much safer.

    Verification word "Dipnesh". Sounds like something you eat with carrot sticks or pita chips... :P Some odd form of hummus, perhaps?

  6. Yeah, those do sound killer! Mitered corners, yes... The tabi socks were pretty fail though...

    I think I do want to at least try it though. I'm probably going to use KnitPicks' lace yarn though, instead of whatever the pattern calls for. So much cheaper!

    LOL! Indeed, it does sound like that.

  7. Definitely! And they have such pretty yarns, too...

    Nah. I wouldn't classify your tabi as a fail. You did get off to a good start and they looked really nice as far as you'd gotten.

    My kingdom for some hummus! Nom...

  8. All I have to do now is narrow down the what color I want to work it in. So much pretty yarn!

    Well, it's nice of you to say so. I still have all that yarn. I've been thinking of trying the Frankensocks (I think that's what they're called) with it.

    Oh, hummus... So delicious! That reminds me. We have some chickpea plants in the garden. They have blue-purple flowers that are very pretty. But this year I'm just growing them for the seed for next year. I didn't get enough to actually be able to make hummus with them. :-( Still, there's some pretty good hummus mix in the kosher food section over at the grocery store... Nom, nom, nom...
