Monday, April 27, 2009

It's been forever since I posted...

Don't know why. I haven't been knitting as much as usual, and lord knows, I haven't been spinning (much - it's been rather miserable not being able to while surrounded by beautiful fiber). The bursitis in my hip is still giving me issues. I see the doc again on Friday. Hopefully he'll suggest another treatment that might be more effective. I have spun a little, just to test the waters. It hasn't seemed to make the pain any worse than casual driving does as long as I don't do any more than 30 minutes of spinning, which is about how long it takes me to do one bobbin's worth. I've been spinning the lovely Corri-Mohair blend I got in Greensboro at Gate City Yarns.

On the knitting front, I've not done too much since early March. Mostly granny's favorite dishcloths. I did finish the dresses for my niece. Pictures, such as they are, are on my Ravelry. I need to get more pics from my sister with the baby wearing them, but that might have to wait for a few more weeks until they fit her better and its warmer in Virginia.

I've also been working a lot. I'm still waiting to hear from the state about my eligability for certification. Could be several weeks still until I hear back. I know that there will be a lot of classes I need to take, plus internship and at least two subject area tests. Could probably arrange to take the subject area tests over the summer and get them out of the way. The qualifying scores are ridiculously low from what I've been told.

I got a book of children's fairytales (like cleaned-up-for-delicate-modern-children Grimms' stories) in Latin and I've been translating that with only the benefit of the glossery for help with the vocabulary. No help with the grammar. I think I've been doing an okay job. I should probably try to remember to take it with me to lunch with my Latin prof tomorrow (if we're able to go to lunch) and have her look at it. The reason I'm doing that is because I think a good deal of the Latin subject area exam is translating random passages with only the a dictionary for help with the vocabulary, so I thought this was a pretty good way to test myself... Although what I really need to do is get Caesar's De Bello Gallico, Cornelius Nepos' De Illustribus Viris, the Aenied and Metamorphoses, since those are what will actually be tested on the real exam. And I need to brush up on the particulars of Latin grammar so badly it's not even funny... But it will be good to know that I'm doing alright with translating without using a grammar guide.


  1. I have a copy of the Metamorphosis and Aenied which I'd be happy to pass along. I'll e-mail you the ISBN number so you can check and see if it's a suitable translation... and if it's one you'd want. ;) It's the one we used in Greek Mythology. Oh.. wait.. it's in English.. I'm guessing that won't really help. >.< Still, I wish you luck and I hope your visit with the doctor resolves your troubles! Bursitis sounds absolutely *awful*!

    Ooh.. My verification word is just.. totally wrong. "Doush"? Gah...

  2. LOL! @ your verification word!

    Thanks for the offer of the books. Yeah, I need it in Latin since they'll be in Latin on the test. Apparently (I just looked up the test info) the state no longer requires a translation section of the test. Now, there will be random passages in Latin from those four works and to test how well we can understand what it says there will be reading comprehension questions in English about each passage. Not quite as difficult as literal translation, I don't think. The test will be very grammar intensive though, so I guess that's what I really need to brush up on.

    Yeah, bursitis seriously sucks. It's not so bad that I need to take pain meds to function, but doing everyday activities like working in the garden and driving and spinning (like my three favorite things to do... really anything that causes my hip to either move through its range or that constantly works the muscles attached there for more than a minute or two) has the injury complaining more than I'd like. I just plied the yarn I spun yesterday and the day before, maybe took 20 minutes to do the ounce and by the time I was done, my hip was tight and unhappy. It's not as bad as it was though, and stretching before and after whatever I do does seem to help...
