Thursday, April 09, 2009

Vacation update... short and sweet...

My mom, my sister, my niece and I went up to Floyd, VA yesterday to go antiquing and we bought a rocking chair, some paintings and some dishes for the cabin, and it was snowing up there. O.O First time I've ever seen *snow* falling from the sky. It was bizarre! It wasn't cold enough to accumulate on the ground though - only 34 degrees. Today, I hung out with my sister at the bead shop she works at part-time. Tomorrow, I'm going down to Greensboro to go to the yarn shop there. It's irresistable! Truly...


  1. And it's supposed to be SPRING! ;) Don't worry, all that white flakey stuff should be just about gone for the rest of the season, barring unforeseen hiccups in the natural order of things.

    hehehe.. my verification word was "chlydre".. it sounds vaguely Greek and rather scary.

  2. LOL! Yeah, it seems to have warmed up nicely today.

    That does should vaguely Greek and rather scary... ;D
